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Friday, January 30, 2009

Thank You Stephanie...

Stephanie, a bloggy pal and fellow Entrecard dropper, over at From huskies to husbands, gave me this awesome Lemonade Award. Isn't the name of her blog enough to get you over there? She lives in Wyoming (I cannot imagine the weather and being that far north), and her hubby is also a minister. Go check out her blog...I'm sure you'll find something interesting over there.

Anyway, here's what the Lemonade Award means: This award is given to blogs which show great attitude and or gratitude.

Now for the rules:

1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Nominate your favorites and link to this post.

So, the nominees are:

1. Anne
2. Willa
3. Tammy
4. Haley
5. Kaye
6. On the Verge
7. Kelleye
8. Bridget
9. Lindsay
10. Nessa

So, be sure to check out their blogs. Hey, if I'm reading them, then it must be worth the time, right? LOL! Enjoy the award ladies...you deserve it!



Musings of the Mrs. said...

You are the sweetest! Thank you for my very first blogging award. Makes me feel much happier on this day of bed rest. And tomorrow, I will get to post about it and nominate my fabulous blog friends. Yay.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the sweet comments ;) You totally deserve this award!

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

thanks for this one, i don't know what's wrong with my blog why is it acting up like that, I'm sitll in the process to figure out what wrong,
i'll let you know when i posted this one. Thanks again!

Journey on! by Kelleye said...

Thank you Sherrie!
Thank God today is a much better day!
I think my little one is getting back to himself- FINALLY!
You are an awesome blog friend!

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Hey you! Yes, you...the one staring at the computer screen. I know you have something to say, so go ahead...just write what's on your mind. :) We all know that writing is good for the soul, and what better way than to leave a comment?!!? I promise to do my best to return the favor. :)

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