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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Micah no-no

Micah is getting to the age where we need to start enforcing the word "no." So, we try (read we try, but it doesn't work...lol). With this said, he's picked up the "no" by shaking his head. Again, he doesn't quite understand what it means, and this video will prove it. Watch and enjoy! Don't forget to laugh.



Margot said... 1

Love the new design! Thanks for the rewards. I will try to get them posted later today.

Lin said... 3

I LOVE the new look! Woweee! And that BABY! Oh my, he is cute! I sorta miss those days. Give him a big 'ol squeeze for me.

Anonymous said... 4

Your baby is so cute and adorable. my 10 mos. old son too is in that stage now.

megan said... 5

Too cute! They are so funny at this age, aren't they?? I hope you really love the monkey onesie when you get it, I feel like it has so much more spunk in person. Plus I didn't have time to take a fancy-pants photo. Thank you again for ordering from me! Your little man is ADORABLE!!!

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