*****Please note that there are days where I will post more than once. So, to find out all the latest happenings and "goings-on" in our family (or my random thoughts), be sure to scroll down.*****

Friday, June 12, 2009

Scratch That...

Well, much to my surprise, Brian is now back HOME! After talking to his folks and his brother (who flew up there this morning), they convinced him that it wasn't necessary for him to make the 20 hour round trip to visit. So, he walked through the door about 10 minutes ago.

We are all VERY HAPPY that Daddy is now home! YEAH! So, maybe I won't post an insanity post after all. LOL! Or will I???!!!???


Liz Mays said... 1

I just said hi to you on twitter and then realized it was twitterfeed, lol.

I'm back, Sherrie! I'm online again but my blog url is diff since I bought my domain. Can't wait to connect again. You've been a great friend.

Sherrie said... 3

I had to remove it b/c it was causing some IE issues. If you're signed in...click on the follow blog at the TOP of the page. Sorry...it kept screwing up my blog. Hopefully blogger will fix it soon. :(

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