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Monday, December 15, 2008

The Elf on the Shelf

Several of my mommy friends had been talking about this little "elf on the shelf" idea. Well, I took some time to look at some of the Christmas ornaments that my mom gave me from my childhood. And -- what did I find? I believe he's an "elf on the shelf." Granted, he's probably 30 years old or more, and I don't even know if my mom used it in the traditional way, but hey...he'll work for me.

So, we've implemented this holiday tradition. At first, Caleb was a bit skeptical. We started it by giving Brian a phone call from Santa. So, Santa told me where to go find this elf. Then, we brought out the elf and explained how it worked to Caleb. He didn't quite believe us, and he kept asking all sorts of questions..."Why doesn't he move? Why doesn't he talk? How can he get in a different spot?", etc. So, we answered the questions the way adults do (by telling little white lies that he'll realize when he's older). LOL!

After he went to bed last night, I moved the elf to a new spot. So, when he woke up this morning, he had to go find the elf. At this time, he commenced to name the elf "Elvis." So, we now have an "elf on the shelf" named Elvis. He eventually found him, and the elf has been monitoring his behavior ever since.

By the way, if you're looking to find an "elf on the shelf" for your family, you can find them online and at some local stores (Tuesday Morning, some stores in Perry).

Have fun...we sure are!


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