*****Please note that there are days where I will post more than once. So, to find out all the latest happenings and "goings-on" in our family (or my random thoughts), be sure to scroll down.*****

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Way to go Micah

We've been putting Micah down for bedtime in his crib for about a week or so now. When he wakes up, I usually go and get him and bring him into our bed for the remainder of the night. He's slowly been waking up later each night. Well, last night, he slept ALL NIGHT IN HIS CRIB. We put him down around 10pm, and he didn't wake up until 7:15am. It was pure bliss as I was able to enjoy a long sleep without having to get up to go get him. Now, if only we could get Caleb out of our bed...(that's supposed to be our goal once we return from vacation on the 21st, so wish us luck).


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