Well, since we're leaving tomorrow, we decided to head back down to the ocean for one last playtime in the ocean. The waves were HUGE, and they were pretty powerful. This upset Caleb because he wasn't able to spend much time on the body board. But -- the waves were knocking him down, so he soon gave up. Micah even got to enjoy some of the ocean water. It was nice because the tides would create a shallow area that the kids could play in until their hearts were content (or their parents told them otherwise). So, we could let them play without fear since it was shallow and separate from the HUGE ocean. They had a blast. Here are some pictures of our fun in the sun.

Micah's first time in the ocean.He really liked it (you can't really tell by his expressions).
Caleb, Micah, and Sherrie having fun in the water.
Brian and Caleb are pretty intense about something...
And now we know why...they found a lobster claw.
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