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Saturday, August 16, 2014

Week Two of Learning 2014-15

Well, two weeks down and about 38 more to go.  I think we can…I think we can…I think we can…LOL!  Here’s how week two went for both boys…
Micah, First Grade Bible – Micah’s Bible lesson this week was on My Prayer of Confession.  We read Luke 15:11-24 to accompany the lesson.

Learning Language Arts Through Literature (LLATL) – This week Micah worked on left to right progression; sequencing; writing his name; and comprehension.  We used the Aesop’s Fable of “The Lion and the Mouse” to help us with our lessons.
Math – This week Micah worked on the numbers 7-10; more addition facts; longer/shorter; and place value.
History – We began learning about state history this week…we’ll spend the next few weeks learning more about Florida.
Science – This week we studied flowering plants; grasses; trees; seeds; and monocots and dicots.
Caleb, Sixth Grade Bible – This week Caleb’s lesson focused on “The Creation of Man,” and we read Genesis 2 to accompany the lesson.
Math – This week Caleb learned division with a three-digit answer; dividing with a two-digit divisor; dividing numbers that end in zero in your head; and harder two-digit divisor problems.
Reading – This week Caleb began reading Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder.  He read Chapters 1-5 and completed vocabulary and comprehension activities for each chapter.  He says this approach is much better than the formal reading program I purchased from Bob Jones.  Smile
Geography – This week Caleb learned facts about Delaware, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.
Writing – This week Caleb’s lesson focused on Better Nouns.  His writing assignment was to illustrate several concrete nouns.
Science – Caleb completed the same lessons as Micah; however, he went into more detail.  He also read about redwoods.
Both boys are doing really well so far, and they seem to be enjoying everything.  I’m guessing science is the favorite subject for each though.  Smile


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