We finished up week 7 last week, but I’m just now getting around to posting the review. Here’s how week 7 went for us…
Bible – Our Bible stories this week focused on “God is Holy” and “God is Almighty.” We read from Psalm 99 and Daniel 4: 34-35. Caleb’s memory verse was Isaiah 6:3b.
Science – Caleb finished up his animal classification lapbook (pictures to follow). We then moved into our discussion of plants. We watched several videos on the Internet that discussed the parts of a plant (roots, stem, leaves, and flower). Caleb did several worksheets to reinforce this information.
Reading – Caleb read the following books:
Who Would Win? Polar Bear vs. Grizzly Bear by Jerry Pallotta
Harold and the Purple Crayon – Harold Finds a Friend by Liza Baker
Science Vocabulary Readers – Cool Penguins by Jeff Bauer
Vocabulary – Caleb added “average, border, cocoon, flutter, moisture, moist, nectar, process, span, suitable, and timber” to his list of terms. He did several activities to introduce/reinforce the definitions of the terms.
Math – Caleb worked on subtraction with regrouping (borrowing). He actually caught on better than I thought he would.
English – Caleb reviewed that sentences start with capital letters, and he reviewed periods and question marks. His lessons focused on distinguishing between telling and asking sentences. ***Caleb and I are both really like our choice for English so far. I like that the lessons are short and simple, and that there’s ample practical application of the concept before moving on to a new lesson***
Did you all start school yet? The public schools in our area went back today, and I must say…it feels great to already have 7 weeks under our belt before the schools even start.
I was wondering if you would be able to share the invertebrate/vertebrate foldables. I am not sure if you made them yourself and could attach them to an email. I would love to use them!
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