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Monday, August 1, 2011

Third Grade Week 7 in Review

We finished up week 7 last week, but I’m just now getting around to posting the review.  Here’s how week 7 went for us…
Bible – Our Bible stories this week focused on “God is Holy” and “God is Almighty.”  We read from Psalm 99 and Daniel 4:  34-35.  Caleb’s memory verse was Isaiah 6:3b.
Science – Caleb finished up his animal classification lapbook (pictures to follow).  We then moved into our discussion of plants.  We watched several videos on the Internet that discussed the parts of a plant (roots, stem, leaves, and flower).  Caleb did several worksheets to reinforce this information.

Animal Classification lapbook coverIMG_7759
Inside viewIMG_7769
Vertebrates mini-bookIMG_7766
Invertebrates mini-bookIMG_7767
All about vertebrates (middle section)IMG_7776
All about invertebrates (middle section flap lifted)IMG_7774
Social Studies – This week our lesson focused on “the Spaniards take over Mexico” and “the man who conquered Peru.”  We read WHAT the goals of the Spaniards were in the New World (spread Christianity and to remove any treasure).  We learned why the Aztecs feared the Spaniards and how the Aztecs were so powerful.  Caleb read about Montezuma and how Cortes tricked him (which led to his ultimate demise).  We then read about Balboa and Hernando Cortes. 
Reading – Caleb read the following books:
Who Would Win?  Polar Bear vs. Grizzly Bear by Jerry Pallotta
Harold and the Purple Crayon – Harold Finds a Friend by Liza Baker
Science Vocabulary Readers – Cool Penguins by Jeff Bauer
Vocabulary – Caleb added “average, border, cocoon, flutter, moisture, moist, nectar, process, span, suitable, and timber” to his list of terms.  He did several activities to introduce/reinforce the definitions of the terms.
Math – Caleb worked on subtraction with regrouping (borrowing).  He actually caught on better than I thought he would.  Smile
English – Caleb reviewed that sentences start with capital letters, and he reviewed periods and question marks.  His lessons focused on distinguishing between telling and asking sentences.  ***Caleb and I are both really like our choice for English so far.  I like that the lessons are short and simple, and that there’s ample practical application of the concept before moving on to a new lesson***
Did you all start school yet?  The public schools in our area went back today, and I must say…it feels great to already have 7 weeks under our belt before the schools even start.  Smile  Like I’ve said numerous times before, I LOVE having a four-day school week. 


Anonymous said...

I was wondering if you would be able to share the invertebrate/vertebrate foldables. I am not sure if you made them yourself and could attach them to an email. I would love to use them!

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