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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Second Grade Week 38 in Review

Another week of schooling has come and gone here at Childress Academy.  Here’s how this week went for us:
Bible – Our first Bible story was on “Sin Brings Sadness”, and we read Luke 2:1-14 and I Peter 1:3-9.  Our second Bible story was on “We Fell In Adam and Eve”, and we read Genesis 4 and 5.  Our memory work for the week was First Catechism Q&A #35-37.
Health – This week we discussed safety in your home.
Science – This week we discussed wind and weather. 
English – Caleb started working on a descriptive paragraph by discussing similes, using senses to describe, and topic sentences.  He’ll continue to work on his paragraph over the next week or so.
Vocabulary – We added “bustle, channel, connect, empire, mention, peak, scholar, settle, vehicle, and zigzag” to our list of terms.
Social Studies – We learned about Black Americans, and we also reviewed all the groups of people who have built America (Separatists, American Indians, Colonists, Pioneers, Cowboys, and New Americans).
Reading – This week we read the following books:
”Just a Wink” poem by Evan-Moor Publishing
Roscoe Riley Rules #1 – Never Glue Your Friends to Chairs by Katherine Applegate
Math – This week we worked on measurement:  12 inches = 1 foot.
We’re slowly bringing our year to a close.  I think we have about 8 weeks of schooling left, and then we’ll have a short break before heading into 3rd grade.  I hope your school year is continuing to go well.


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