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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Coupon Shopping #1

I mentioned in THIS post that I was willing to give couponing another whirl.  So, today I headed out to Publix to take advantage of their sales.  I only ended up buying one item that we really wouldn’t buy on a normal basis (Caprisun Roarin’ Waters).  However, since I was able to get 6 boxes for $9, I thought I’d buy them just to use at the park, tennis lessons, in the car, etc…
Here’s how I did:
6 boxes of Caprisun Roarin’ Waters – $9.00
3 boxes of Scotties Tissue – $1.97
4 half-gallons of Organic Valley milk – $12.00
4 bags of Kraft cheese – $1.00
4 boxes/bags of Gorton’s Seafood – $8.98
1 box of Organic Valley unsalted butter – $4.99
I ended up spending $39.58; however, I saved $39.60.
I would say I did a pretty good job.  We will use all of the items I bought, and some of it was organic.  So, that’s a start, right? 
How did YOU do this week?  Do you have any tips/tricks for me?  Any websites I need to frequent now that I’m giving this a go? 


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