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Monday, July 18, 2011

Third Grade Week 4 in Review

Here’s how week 4 went for us…
Bible – Our lessons this week focused on “God Talks to Us” and “God Sent His Son”.  We read from 1 Peter 1:24-25 and John 14:8-10.  Caleb’s memory verse for the week was Psalm 119:11.
Science – This week we finished up our animal study by reading a short book about mammals.  Caleb then had to start on his animal research project.  He was to choose 3 animals and complete a research form on them.  He chose the Black Rhinoceros, Japanese Spider Crab, and White-Backed Vulture.  I will share his papers next week.
Social Studies – This week our studies focused on “Columbus Comes to America.”  We learned about his voyage, how he was the only person who thought he could travel west to reach Asia, and how he died still thinking that he had actually discovered America.  Caleb has been asking how Columbus died, so I’ve got some research to do in order to find the answer.  Smile  In our Columbus studies, we also read some facts from the book 100 Facts…Explorers by Dan North.  The facts we read about Columbus are:
1)  Lots of people think Christopher Columbus discovered America, but he didn’t – the Vikings were first.
2)  Almost 500 years later, Christopher Columbus found America – by mistake!
3)  When Columbus found land, he was sure he’d sailed to Japan.
4)  Back in Spain, no one believed Columbus’ story.
5)  America wasn’t named after Columbus.
6)  It’s thanks to Columbus that Native Americans were known as Indians.
Reading – We started working in our Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) Paces this week.  Caleb worked on describing pictures, and we also worked on finding the BEST action word to complete a sentence.
Vocabulary – Caleb took his test and scored 89%.
Math – This week we continued to do some addition review.  Caleb worked on some review worksheets that covered the concepts he has covered in his MUS Beta book.
English – We started working in our ACE Paces this week, and Caleb worked on ABC order.  He also reviewed beginning sounds, vowels, and consonants.
Thanks for following our adventures at Childress Academy.  Is your summer winding down?  When does school start back for you all?


Anonymous said...

What curriculum are you using again? Sounds a lot like what we studied last year in My Father's World - Adventures. We still have a few more weeks of summer. 9 more days until Adam leaves, and then I have to order our curriculum and wait until it gets here to get started! :) The boys are so excited about starting Exploring Countries & Cultures!

Anonymous said...

Ignore my question...just saw you have what you're using posted on the sidebar here! :)

Anonymous said...

P.S. (Are 3 comments legal on 1 post? :) We've been going through Leading Litte Ones to God for quite a while now, too. It's what we use for our morning devotion time. Such an excellent book!

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