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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Week Nine of Learning 2013-14

We are finished with another week of learning, and it went really well.  Like I mentioned in my previous post, we’ve got lots going on.  So, it’s sometimes 3:30-4 before we get to our school work (Micah still naps, hence the late afternoon session), but – we’re staying on schedule.  Smile
Micah, Kindergarten

  • Bible – Our lesson this week was on Jacob and Esau.  Micah’s Bible verse was Matthew 7:12a.
  • Phonics – Micah learned the letter ‘l’ and the phonograms ‘-ell and –ill’.  His sight words were ‘where, are, did, and no.
  • Poetry – Our poem this week was ‘The Brontosaurus.’  We used the poem to discuss rhyming words and syllables.
  • Math – This week Micah worked on ordering events.
Caleb, Fifth Grade
  • Bible – This week Caleb continued to read in Exodus, and he read about The Passover, the Exodus, and Crossing the Red Sea.  Here’s his interpretation of The Passover.
  • Math – This week we started using Teaching Textbooks, and I couldn’t be happier with how it’s going so far.  Caleb completed 8 lessons and took a quiz.  He reviewed addition, addition facts, place value, days/months, reading a calendar, writing the date, and subtraction.  I’m praying we’ve finally found the BEST math curriculum for him…time will tell.  Smile
  • English – Caleb worked on nouns of direct address and prefixes.
We’re enjoying exploring the different parks here in our area.  We meet other homeschoolers at a local park every Thursday, and the boys love that they’re able to build forts.  Caleb also has fun gathering seaweed from the river.  Smile  There are so many other parks that we’ve yet to venture to, but we do look forward to making our way to them soon.


Lin said...

How was camp this year? Did I miss a post about camp?? I hope not.

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