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Friday, January 27, 2012

Third Grade Week 29 in Review

We had another wonderful week at Childress Academy for Boys.  Caleb and I are both LOVING our Fun School Schedule.  In fact, look for another post regarding that coming up very soon!  Here’s how our week went…
Bible – Our lessons were on “We Must Know the Way” and “We Must Believe that Jesus Is Our Saviour.”  We read John 14:1-6 and Acts 16:25-34.
English – Caleb learned about words that serve as nouns and as verbs (cut, watch, etc.), he worked on prepositional phrases, and he reviewed using capital letters to start sentences and proper nouns.
Math –  Caleb worked on graphs that count by 2’s, borrowing to subtract, and reading thousands.  He also did review work on skills he has learned previously.
FUN SCHOOL – We LOVE our Fun School.  It’s probably the best homeschooling decision I’ve made in a long while.  It is working so well for us!  Here’s the fun we had this week…

  • Make Something Monday – We had plans to make something; however, after reading that it was Chinese New Year during his calendar work, Caleb decided he wanted to make a Chinese lantern.  So, that’s what he did.  Smile
  • Monday Math – Today we played a new game using cards.  We played addition war, and Caleb LOVED it.  Smile
  • Travel Somewhere Tuesday – We continued our study on Ancient Egypt.  Caleb finished up his Ancient Egypt lapbook, and now we just have to get it all put together and organized.
  • Tuesday Technology – Another homeschooling mom mentioned that her kiddos watched ‘The Riddle of the Sphinx’ on Netflix, so I asked Caleb if he wanted to watch it.  He did indeed.  He also watched two DVDs on George Washington in preparation for our ‘Who Do You Know’ studies on Wednesday.
  • Who Do You Know Wednesday – This week Caleb wanted to learn about George Washington, so that’s what we did.  We read books from the library and some from our own library.  He also watched the two DVDs on Tuesday.  I also found a website that he visited where he could be ‘President for a Day’.  At the end, we were able to print a re-cap of his first day in office.  It was a hoot.  Then, he completed some worksheets to review what he had learned.
  • Wednesday Writing – This week Caleb worked on writing using a writing prompt.  I gave him some choices, and he chose ‘Fishy Tales.’  He did a REALLY great job on his story.  Then again, I’m biased.  Smile
  • Turn the Page Thursday – Caleb read his library books.  Most of them were on sea creatures and snakes.
  • Thursday Thinking – Caleb did a worksheet where he had to look at a set of objects and tell what they had in common.  He completed it orally, and I wrote down his answers (since he is not a fan of writing).
Like I mentioned earlier, our Fun School studies are going GREAT!  I’ve actually come up with a better plan, and I’ll be back to share that later!  So, stay tuned!


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