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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Third Grade Week 19 in Review

It seems like forever since I’ve posted a review of our schooling.  Omi and Opa came into town last weekend, so we postponed our lessons for a few days in order to spend time with them.  We finished up week 19, and here’s how it went…
Bible – Our lessons were on “Jesus Controlled the Wind and the Sea” and “Jesus Commanded Sickness and Death.”  We read Mark 4:35-41 and Luke 8:49-56.  Caleb’s memory verse was Mark 4:41c.
Math – NEW CONCEPTS:  Put Hands on a Clock.  REVIEW CONCEPTS:  There weren’t any.  Caleb did his review work, and then he took his LightUnit Test and scored 100%.  He’s doing really well in math using the CLE curriculum.
English – This week Caleb learned about action words…aka verbs. 
FUN SCHOOL – For Math, Caleb did some work with the money jar.  We also played some games using playing cards…Sum 10, Sum 11, and Sum 12.  Caleb really enjoyed these games, and I see us playing them a lot in the future.  For English, he worked on writing letters.  He wrote a letter to his friends Will and Ethan (brothers), and he also wrote a letter to his Omi and Opa.  He also read Mom and Dad Are Palindromes by Mark Shulman & Adam McCauley.  In Science, he read about bones, rocks & minerals, cats & dogs, and he also read from Every Day on Earth – Fun Facts That Happen Every 24 Hours by Steve Murrie & Matthew Murrie.  We also spent some time going over some of the Brain Quest Questions & Answers.  In social studies, he read from 100 Facts – Explorers by Miles Kelly.  We also went to see Alice in Wonderland at The Grand Opera House in Macon. 
Our “FUN SCHOOL” experiment is still going well; however, life has happened so much that we haven’t gotten to it as much as I would like.  We spent a good part of October having new flooring put in and having walls painted.  So, that took up a good part of our “fun school” time.  We also spent the past 8 weeks participating in a “new to us” Co-Op.  Now that the Co-Op is over, I’m hoping our schedule will lighten, and we can focus on more fun school activities/learning.  It’s a learning process for me, and I’m slowly figuring out how to best help Caleb achieve success during FUN SCHOOL. 


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