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Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Caleb has been taking an art class in Macon, and he is LOVING it.  It’s a drive, but a fellow homeschool mommy friend and I have been taking the turns with the driving.  She drove all of September, and I picked up the drive in October since she was due with a little girl.  Smile  It’s worked out well, and Micah and I typically enjoy some time at Starbucks and the shops in Macon. 
Here are some of the projects that Caleb has brought home from the art class, and I’m throwing in some others that Micah has done in his Co-Op class this session.  Smile

Caleb’s Ice cream cone…they created the paper, too.
Caleb’s…not sure what this is…IMG_7902
Caleb’s Tree paintingIMG_7904
Caleb’s Pinch potsIMG_7908
Caleb’s PumpkinIMG_7909
Caleb’s Halloween bagIMG_7915
Micah’s apple pieIMG_7898
Micah’s scarecrow frameIMG_7914
Micah’s Johnny AppleseedIMG_7917
Close-up of the little poemIMG_7920
Micah’s Apple Window DecorationIMG_7923


Lin said...

Oh my--that Johnny Appleseed has some long legs!!

Anything that is good and fun for your kids is worth the drive. It looks like a good program--the projects are cute and creative!

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