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Friday, November 18, 2011

Third Grade Week 20 in Review

Another week is complete at Childress Academy.  Here’s how week 20 went for us…
Bible – Our Bible lessons were on “Jesus Forgave Sins” and “Jesus Showed Who He Was.”  We read Mark 2:1-12 and John 20:24-29.  Caleb’s Bible verse was John 20:29b.
Math – NEW CONCEPTS:  Counting by 3’s to 12; Words with Special Meanings:  A, Each, Pair; Fact Focus:  Adding 9 to 3, 4, 5; One Third of a Group; Fact Focus:  Adding 9 to 6, 7, 8; Counting by 3’s to 21; Pints and Quarts; Quarters to Pennies; One-Fourth of a Group; and Line Segments.  REVIEW CONCEPTS:  Caleb reviewed everything he has learned thus far…nothing major was focused on.
English – Caleb worked on state-of-being verbs.  He’s still doing really well with this ACE Pace curriculum for English.
FUN SCHOOL – This week I made Caleb sit down and write our his plans for FUN SCHOOL.  I felt that this would still give him autonomy, but some sort of a guideline and focus for each day/subject.  In Math, he worked on using the clock to give directions (for instance…take 3 steps 12 o’clock, etc), using the balance scale, and telling time.  In English, he worked on typing.  He has JumpStart Typing, and he spent time using that program each day.  In Reading/Magazine, he read Star Wars Adventures in Hyperspace – Shinbone Showdown by Ryder Windham.  In Science, he read the first two sections of Science Crackers – Cracking Chemistry by Steve Parker.  He also did an experiment do determine the strength of paper.  I’ll explain this at the end.  In Social Studies, he read Flat Stanley’s Worldwide Adventures – The Japanese Flying Ninja Surprise by Sara Pennypacker.  In Bible, he read a devotion called “The Three Teachers.”  In Art, he did some drawings from All About Drawing – Horses and Pets by Russell Farrell & Peter Mueller.  He drew a cat and a mouse.
As I mentioned earlier, Caleb did an experiment to determine the strength of paper.  Basically, a piece of flat paper is not very strong.  However, if you roll it up, it becomes stronger.  Caleb had to roll up 16 pieces of paper, and tape them together into groups of 4.  Then he was to stack a book to see if the paper would hold the book.  It did, and then he continued to pile on books until I made him stop.  LOL!  He had fun, and he learned that we can re-construct items to make them stronger.  Smile 

The rolled up paperIMG_8009
Top viewIMG_8008
1 bookIMG_8010
3 booksIMG_8011
6 booksIMG_8012
7 booksIMG_8013
11 booksIMG_8014
***I really think this game plan idea is a GREAT compromise for both Caleb and myself.  It gives him some goals for the week, and it gives me the accountability to know that he’s LEARNing.  Smile  I think we’ll continue to try this as long as it works.  ***


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