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Friday, December 10, 2010

Second Grade Week 23 in Review

We finished up another week of schooling here at Childress Academy.  We’re still behind, but at this point, it’s okay.  As long as we get caught up by the time we start back in January, then I’m fine with being behind.  Here’s how this week went for us:
English:  This week we started working on another chapter in our English book.  We discussed capitalizing proper nouns, and we worked on abbreviations.
Social Studies:  This week in Geography, we learned the location of North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Michigan, and Iowa.  In social studies, we discussed school in colonial times.
Reading:  This week we read the following book:
The Dog That Pitched a No-Hitter by Matt Christopher
Math:  We worked on subtraction, the extras (7-3, 7-4, 8-3, 8-5).
Thanks for following our home school journey.  I know our updates aren’t that great at this point, but we’re doing the best we can.  I hope you all are continuing to have a great year!


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