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Monday, July 28, 2008

Homeschool Week 7 In Review

Slowly, but surely, we are finally catching up with our homeschooling. I tell you...note to self -- "Do not get too far behind in the future." There, I admitted it...it's been tough to play catch-up. We've even had to incorporate some Saturday mornings for homeschool, but it's all good. We're almost there.

A look at last week:
Beginnings: We continued our Dr. Seuss theme by reading Dr. Seuss's ABC, Fox in Socks, and One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. These books allowes us to continue to talk about rhyming words and opposites. We also talked about alphabetical order and tongue twisters. Let me just say...if you're looking for a tongue twister, you have to read Fox in Socks. Admittedly, this was my first time reading this book, and geez....nothing BUT tongue twisters.

Math: Caleb reviewed the numbers 6, 7, and 8. He's doing well with the pre-cursive handwriting that he's having to learn. Basically, he has to "re-learn" how to write all his letters and numbers...not an easy task.

Music: We learned about fast and slow by discussing the movements of different animals.

Art: We reviewed the primary and secondary colors. Caleb made a fruit color wheel using pictures of fruit and paint to remind him of the primary colors and the secondary colors they make. I have a picture to post, but my camera is out of commission right now (Mr. Fix-it will have to repair a certain piece that just broke while I was sitting here typing this...can you say...Caleb is into things he shouldn't be into????)

Bible: We added question 9 to the First Catechism. Caleb's memory verse for the week was John 4:24. He's still going strong with his Bible verses and Catechism questions.


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