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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Week 29 of Learning 2013-14

Well, we did it…we FINALLY got caught up on all of our schooling.  YAHOO!!!!
Micah, Kindergarten Bible – Micah continues to work in his AWANAS book.
Phonics – This week Micah worked on the ‘-oil, –oy, –aul, –awn, –all’ phonograms.  We continued to review his sight words.
Math – This week Micah continued to work on addition.
Caleb, Fifth Grade Math – This week Caleb worked on area; hundredths and tenths; writing a check; and recording checks and deposits.  On a sidenote, he was able to use the calculator for a few math problems (balancing the checkbook), and he thought that was super cool.  I guess I’ve neglected to teach him much about the calculator, and I’m guessing that’s not a very bad thing.  LOL!  But – now he wants to use it for every problem, which isn’t an option.  Smile
Now that we are all caught up, our plan from here on out is to school any day that Brian is working.  With that plan, I’m hoping we will be done with the 2013-14 school year right around the beginning of May.  This will make our next move easier.  I also hope to add in more science and history since we won’t be doubling up on any school work.  So, we’ll see how it goes…


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