*****Please note that there are days where I will post more than once. So, to find out all the latest happenings and "goings-on" in our family (or my random thoughts), be sure to scroll down.*****

Monday, December 24, 2012

From Our Family To Yours…

IMG_9983Merry Christmas
I didn’t get around to sending out Christmas cards this year (the first year in a VERY long time), so this will have to do.  Our family wishes all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  May 2013 bring you lots of love, peace, happiness, and good health!


Dee said...

Merry Christmas! Your boys look so adorable and happy by the tree. :)



ps I skipped the Christmas pic this year and don't feel any guilt about it. ;) Some years you can, others you just do what you can.

Lin said...

Happy New Year to all of you!! I wish you peace, love and lots of laughs together as a family!!

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