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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Fourth Grade Week 22

We continue to stay on schedule with our schooling, and that’s always a good thing.  Smile  Here’s how week 22 went for us…
Bible – Our question this week was ‘Did God use the same design for humans as for monkeys?’  We read Psalm 104, Genesis 1:26, I John 3:1, and John 1:12 to find the answer.
English – This week Caleb worked on common nouns and proper nouns; concrete and abstract nouns; compound nouns; and plural nouns.  He’s still doing really well with the Growing with Grammar.
Math – Caleb worked on intersections; leap years; weeks in a year; dividing by 2; and rounding to the nearest ten or hundred.  He still doesn’t love math, but I think the Christian Light Education is the best fit for him.  Smile 
We still haven’t had much time to add in a lot of fun things.  We did end our week with 3 parties…one Christmas and two birthday.  It was a crazy end to the week, but we’re thankful for a peaceful, and obligation-free (other than tennis this afternoon) weekend.  Smile
Omi is coming to visit this upcoming Thursday, so we have to stay on track in order to be school-free during her visit.  Here’s to Caleb being willing to do a little more than usual…Smile


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