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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Fourth Grade Week 21

We finished up week 21 on Friday, and it was a good week.  It was a bit hard to get back into the routine after being off for Thanksgiving, but we managed to make it.
Bible – Our questions this week were ‘What is evolution?’ and ‘Why do evolutionists trust their beliefs and not Christ?’  We read Genesis 1:20-25, Romans 1:22, and Psalm 8:3-9 for the first question.  Then, we read 2 Peter 3:5, Job 42:2, Ephesians 1:11, and Genesis 1:20-25 again for the second question.
English – Caleb had his first test with our new curriculum.  He scored 100% on the first test and 89% on the second test.  I didn’t realize though that the first test should have been given weeks ago…oh well.  Smile
Math – This week Caleb worked on finding half of a larger number; adding and subtracting tenths; mental math trails; checking subtraction; division number sentences; multiplying by 7; perpendicular; and how many days are in each month.
We didn’t get around to anything FUN this week, but that’s okay.  We got all of our work accomplished, but I am hoping to get to some fun things this upcoming week.  We’ll see…


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