We finished up week 13, and it went fairly well. I’ve had to re-assess some of my decisions, and I’ll address those in another post. For now, here’s how week 13 went…
Bible – Our question this week was “Why was the first person that God created a boy?” We read Genesis 2:18, Ephesians 5:22-25, and I Corinthians 11:3 for the answer.
Math – This week Caleb worked on ordering fractions, choosing whether to add or multiply, meters and millimeters, and time patterns.
Classical Conversations Foundations – I think Caleb is really enjoying CC Foundations. He’s really learning a lot, and he’s having fun. Here’s what we learned this week…
- English – prepositions ‘between, beyond, but, by, concerning’
- Science – the major groups of invertebrates
- History – the split of the Roman Empire
- Math – counting by 9s and 10s
- Latin – 2nd Declension Singular and Plural Noun Endings
- Geography – the Egyptian Empire…Egypt, Nile River, Upper/Lower Egypt, West/East Deserts, Nile Delta, Crete
- Timeline – Judah falls to Babylon, Temple Destroyed; Babylon falls to Persia; Jews Return and Rebuild the Temple; Roman Republic; Golden Age of Greece; Peloponnesian Wars; Persia Falls to Alexander the Great
- Science Experiment – this week we reviewed the Naked Egg and Shrinking Egg experiments that we did at home last week. For the naked egg, you take an egg and place it in a jar of vinegar. Let it sit for 72 hours and watch to see what happens. Then, take that same egg and put it in a jar of Karo Syrup to see what happens after 72 hours.
- Art – This week we worked on perspective.
- Grammar – We continued to review nouns, verbs, and pronouns. We also reviewed different types of sentences. Caleb completed another punctuation/capitalization rule and spelling/homophone sheet.
- Writing – Due to some extra-curricular obligations, we didn’t get to our writing assignment this week.
On a side note – Micah is LOVING preschool. The only thing he’s not a huge fan of is the homework. LOL! But – it’s only one worksheet every few days.
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