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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fourth Grade Week 13

We finished up week 13, and it went fairly well.  I’ve had to re-assess some of my decisions, and I’ll address those in another post.  For now, here’s how week 13 went…
Bible – Our question this week was “Why was the first person that God created a boy?”  We read Genesis 2:18, Ephesians 5:22-25, and I Corinthians 11:3 for the answer.
Math – This week Caleb worked on ordering fractions, choosing whether to add or multiply, meters and millimeters, and time patterns. 
Classical Conversations Foundations – I think Caleb is really enjoying CC Foundations.  He’s really learning a lot, and he’s having fun.  Here’s what we learned this week…

  • English – prepositions ‘between, beyond, but, by, concerning’
  • Science – the major groups of invertebrates
  • History – the split of the Roman Empire
  • Math – counting by 9s and 10s
  • Latin – 2nd Declension Singular and Plural Noun Endings
  • Geography – the Egyptian Empire…Egypt, Nile River, Upper/Lower Egypt, West/East Deserts, Nile Delta, Crete
  • Timeline – Judah falls to Babylon, Temple Destroyed; Babylon falls to Persia; Jews Return and Rebuild the Temple; Roman Republic; Golden Age of Greece; Peloponnesian Wars; Persia Falls to Alexander the Great
  • Science Experiment – this week we reviewed the Naked Egg and Shrinking Egg experiments that we did at home last week.  For the naked egg, you take an egg and place it in a jar of vinegar.  Let it sit for 72 hours and watch to see what happens.  Then, take that same egg and put it in a jar of Karo Syrup to see what happens after 72 hours.
Naked eggIMG_9762
Shrinking eggIMG_9764
  • Art – This week we worked on perspective.
Classical Conversations Essentials
  • Grammar – We continued to review nouns, verbs, and pronouns.  We also reviewed different types of sentences.  Caleb completed another punctuation/capitalization rule and spelling/homophone sheet.
  • Writing – Due to some extra-curricular obligations, we didn’t get to our writing assignment this week. 
Like I mentioned earlier, I had to re-assess some of my decisions, so I’ll share my conclusions soon.  I’ll sum it up by saying next week will bring some changes, but hopefully more fun!  Smile  Stay tuned…
On a side note – Micah is LOVING preschool.  The only thing he’s not a huge fan of is the homework.  LOL!  But – it’s only one worksheet every few days.  Smile  I think he’ll live.


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