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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Third Grade Week 14 in Review

Well, week 14 is over, and things are about to change again.  However, rather than post all of that on this post, look for a more detailed explanation to follow soon.  Here’s how week 14 went for us…
Bible – This week our stories focused on “Why We Disobey God’s Law” and “Why Sin Must Be Punished.”  We read from Psalm 130 and Genesis 8:6-16.  Caleb’s memory work was Romans 6:23.
Science – This week we started a new chapter on Matter.  We discussed the different properties of matter, how to measure mass, how to measure volume, and physical vs chemical changes.
Social Studies – I had requested a book from the library on hold; however, since it didn’t come in we just skipped social studies this week.  Smile
Reading – Caleb read the following stories:
Amazing Animals by Robin Bernard
The Littles by John Peterson
Vocabulary – This week Caleb added the words “act, additional, advice, crumple, fan, memorize, mystify, pause, transparent, and vanish” to his list of terms.
Math – NEW CONCEPTS:  Days on a Calendar, Feet and Yards, The Degree Symbol, Reading Thermometers, Meter, and Expanding a Meter.  REVIEW CONCEPTS:  Fact Focus:  Opposites of Doubles 4, 5, 6; <, >, = in Number Sentences; and Fact Focus 8, 5, 3.  Caleb still seems to enjoy math somewhat.  I don’t think he’ll every enjoy it like I do; however, that’s okay!
English – This week we worked on pronouns and writing words in cursive. 
Like I mentioned above, things are about to change again here at Childress Academy.  However, I want to save that for another post.  So, stay tuned…


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