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Sunday, September 7, 2014

Week Five of Learning 2014-15

We are moving right along with our school year, and here’s what we were learning about for week five…
Micah, First Grade Bible – This week Micah’s Bible lesson was on ‘my prayer of direction,’ and we read Luke 6:12-16 and Matthew 3:13-17 to accompany the lesson.
LLATL – This week Micah worked on the sight words ‘here, is, big, little, I, are.’  He continued to work on decoding new words, comprehension, story recall, etc.  He also read his second book for this program.

Math – This week Micah worked on the numbers 19-20, started subtraction, and he took his first test.
Science – This week Micah learned about photosynthesis, arrangement of leaves, leaves – shape & design, and changing colors.
Caleb, Sixth Grade Bible – This week Caleb’s Bible lesson focused on looking backwards…looking ahead.  We read Psalm 104 to accompany the lesson.
Math – This week Caleb worked on units for length; units for liquid; units for weight; and measuring length with metric units.
Reading – This week Caleb took his final comprehension over Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder.  He also began reading Brian’s Return by Gary Paulsen.  He read Chapters 1-4.
Geography – This week Caleb learned facts on South Carolina.
Writing – Caleb completed his writing assignment on a  noun verb descriptive poem, and he started the next lesson on contractions.
Science – Caleb read about the same topics as Micah; however, he went into greater depth with each topic.
Overall, I’m very pleased with the way this school year is progressing.  Now that we’ve changed our reading program, everything else seems to be working really well.  I’ll admit…it’s really nice not hearing too many complaints during the school day b/c of the work load.  So, I’m praying the success, happiness, and ease of work continues.  Smile


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