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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Second Grade Week 32 in Review

We actually finished up Week 32 on Thursday of last week, but I’m just now getting around to posting our review.  Oh well…better late, than never!
Bible – This week we spent time reviewing all of the catechism questions we’ve studied thus far (1-21).  We then had a Bible story on “Covenant Relationships.”  Our Bible reading was Genesis 17:1-20, and our memory work was First Catechism Q&A 23
Science – This week Caleb took a test over several units, and he scored 100%.
Health – This week we discussed being courteous on the telephone.  Caleb learned how to answer the phone using the skills he learned.
English – We finished up our chapter by reviewing all of the skills and taking a test.
Vocabulary – This week we added “astronomy, besides, crater, degree, diameter, gaze, gravity, reflect, telescope, and universe” to our list of vocabulary terms.
Reading – This week we read the following books:
Baby Otter by Ginjer L. Clarke
Spiderwick Chronicles:  Thimbletack’s Misson by Rebecca Frazer
”It’s Snowing” by Evan-Moor Publications
Math – This week we worked on multiple-digit addition and skip counting by 2.  Caleb is doing really well with his math, and that’s a PLUS for all of us!  Smile
As always, thanks for following our home school reviews.  How’s school going for all of you?


Aandwsmom said...

I just have to say, I LOVE-LOVE-LOVE your blog name!!
It made me laugh!
As a Mom of 2 middle schoolers who also runs a daycare with 5 preschool boys..... you described my day!LOL

Crazy Online Homeschooling Mom of 2, Daycare Mom of 4, Chicken Mom of 15, 1 Puppy, 1 Psycho Cat and possibly a Partridge in our pear tree!

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