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Monday, November 15, 2010

Are you looking…

for a way to save money, save time, improve your health, and protect the environment all while CLEANING your home?  Yes, I know…it sounds almost ridiculous!  However, with Norwex, it is possible.  I signed up as a Norwex consultant this month, and I’m so excited about the company. 
Ever since we found out that Caleb has some sort of tic disorder (whether it be Tourette’s or just transient tics), we’ve been working to improve our eating habits and change our cleaning products.  A friend of mine introduced me to Norwex, and I’ll admit…I was skeptical at first.  Norwex claims that I can clean my house using their antibacterial microfiber cloth and water.  Yes, that’s right…their cloth and water will clean my ENTIRE home!
I had my first show yesterday, and it was a huge success.  Several of my friends who were leery and skeptical, walked away amazed and believers.  I, too, am now a believer!  And while I do not LOVE cleaning, I can see myself enjoying it more because it is so much faster.  I don’t have to spray some nasty-smelling chemical, wait for it to work, and then wipe the yuck away.  Now I can just wet my antibac cloth with water and get to cleaning!  It’s that easy…
Norwex customers can save approximately $600 a year by reducing the use of chemicals in their home.  They can also cut their cleaning time in half.  So, if this sounds like something that you may be interested in learning more about, please send me an email to childresshousehold@gmail.com  I’d LOVE to share more about Norwex with you!  If you’re local and would like to host a party and receive lots of FREE goodies, then please contact me.  Norwex has one of THE BEST hostess programs in the home-party world.  We also have a WONDERFUL consultant program.  If this sounds like something you would enjoy doing to earn extra cash, then please contact me.  You can improve people’s quality of life one antibacterial cloth at a time.  So, what are you waiting for?  Email me today for more information!
***Yes, I know this is a shameless plug to help kick-start my new home-party business!  However, being that most of you are not local, it’s also a way for me to introduce you to Norwex!  I know I had never heard of it, and believe it or not…there are NOT that many consultants in our area.  So, the market is waiting for something like this***


Together We Save said...

Wow - that is awesome! I am all for saving money and cleaning products are bad for us and the enviroment!!

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