We finished up the 2014-15 school year today, and I couldn't be happier. We were scheduled to finish up the end of June, but I decided we'd move a bit faster (since there really wasn't much left), so that we could enjoy two months of summer.
Now, the boys don't get an entire summer of free time, but they will enjoy most of their time as they wish. They both have to sit and do some extra study work with me on skills that need some honing and practice.
Micah will spend some time working on phonics and reading...not one of his favorite tasks. But -- it's my hope that this extra work will pay off, and he'll find the joy in reading like the rest of us.
Caleb has consistently scored poorly on data interpretation and problem solving when taking the standardized tests. I don't really blame him for this because his math program, Teaching Textbooks, doesn't really do a great job of covering those areas. So, I took the time to find lots of extra practice for him, so he'll sit and work on those skills each day. It's my hope that he'll be up to par when 7th grade starts in August, but we will most likely still continue to work on these skills throughout the school year.
I quit blogging about our weekly homeschool reviews because it became too tedious and quite boring. It's my plan next year to blog about the highlights of our year and studies. It is my prayer that 2015-16 will see both boys continuing to prosper and gain insightful knowledge to make them productive and intelligent citizens in today's changing world, with a bit of common sense thrown in to boot.
Now, it's time to enjoy summer and focus on family time. I foresee lots of swimming, playing games, spending time with friends, and just being together. We don't have too much planned other than our trip to GA for Caleb's week at Camp Twitch & Shout. Micah and I will be heading to South Carolina with my mom to visit her family while Caleb is away at camp...it's been too long since I've seen her family.
Happy summer friends...make the most of it!
Park City Utah
2 years ago
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