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Saturday, March 8, 2014

Week 31 of Learning 2013-14

We finished up week 31, and here’s how it went…
Micah, Kindergarten Bible – Micah continues to work in his AWANAS book.
Phonics – This week Micah worked on punctuation, sentences, and many, many consonants.  We continued to review all of his sight words learned thus far, and he knows them all very, very well.
Poetry – This week Micah’s poem was ‘I Can Count to 100.’  We used the poem to discuss commas, periods, exclamation marks, and sight words.  We also counted to 100 by 5s and 10s.  We also worked on counting by 2s.

Math – This week Micah worked on counting by 2s.  Again, I wasn’t very impressed with the math lesson/exercises this week.  I just don’t feel there’s enough time spent on the NEW skill each week.
Caleb, Fifth Grade Math – This week Caleb worked on finding elapsed time; time zones; division word problems; long division; and division with a remainder.
English – This week Caleb worked on limiting adjectives tell how many; limiting adjectives that tell which one; limiting adjectives that tell whose; using commas to separate adjectives; and proper adjectives.
Friday we drove up to St. Augustine for a field trip to Marineland.  We were able to view the facilities, learn all about dolphins, and then spend time touching and feeding a dolphin.  The boys LOVED it.  They want to go back and swim/interact with the dolphins now. 
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