We finished up week 20 today, and next week is a break week. I’m looking forward to the break…time will be spent decorating the house for the holidays and spending time with family.
Bible – Our questions this week were ‘When were the other planets created?’ and ‘If God created the world 6,000 years ago or so, why are stars millions of light years away?’ We read Genesis 1:16, 19; Psalm 19:1 and 36:6 to answer the first question. We read Psalm 19:1, 50:6, and 147:4; and Isaiah 40:26 to answer the second question.
Math – This week Caleb worked on how many days are in a year, multiplying 10s and 100s mentally; fractions that equal 1; and borrowing across two zeros.
English – This week Caleb worked on diagramming commands, direct quotations, and indirect quotations. He’s still doing really well with this English program.
Classical Conversations Foundations – This was our last week for the 1st semester, and here’s what we learned.
- English – prepositions ‘with, within, without’
- Science – some types of plant systems (photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration)
- History – the Muslim Empire
- Math – 3 tsp = 1 Tbsp and 2 Tbsp = 1 fl oz
- Latin – 5th Declension Noun Endings singular and plural
- Geography – The Muslim Empire…Mecca, Medina, Baghdad, Damascus, Syria, Tours
- Timeline – Genghis Khan Rules the Mongols, England’s Magna Carta, Ottoman Empire, Marco Polo’s Journey to China, The Hundred Years’ War and Black Death, The Renaissance, China’s Ming Dynasty
- Science Experiments – This week we headed up to Dauset Trails for a nature walk and to look at the animals.
- Fine Arts – Tin Whistle – This week we learned more about dynamics…piano,forte, mezzo piano, and mezzo piano.
***We have thoroughly enjoyed our first semester of CC, but we are looking forward to a little break. We’ll be ready to start more CC learning in January.***
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