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Monday, April 23, 2012

Third Grade Week 39 in Review

We’re finally finishing up week 39.  It took us a bit longer because Caleb had ITBS testing three mornings last week.  So, school was put to the side on those three days.  Here’s how week 39 went…
Bible – Our Bible lessons were on “What it Means to Pray” and “Praying in Jesus’ Name.”  We read Philippians 4:6-7 and Philippians 2:9-11.
Math – Caleb worked on number sentences with letters (pre-algebra really), more about number sentences, and parallel lines.
English – This week Caleb worked on writing friendly letters, writing letters of invitation, writing thank-you letters, and addressing envelopes.
FUN SCHOOL – Since Caleb was testing, we opted to skip FUN SCHOOL this week.  We’ll resume our schedule for week 40. 
I’m glad that we’re approaching the end of 3rd grade, but with that comes making plans for 4th grade.  I’ll be back at some point to share our plans for 4th grade…some things will stay the same, and others will change.  Smile


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