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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Second Grade Week 18 in Review

We are done with another week of 2nd grade at Childress Academy.  While we were doing so well at staying on track, we’ve fallen slightly behind (only about 4 lessons).  However, we’ll get caught up soon.  Here’s how our week went:
Bible:  Our Bible story was on “The Bible is Our Rule”, and our memory work was First Catechism Q&A 14.  We read Acts 17:1-12 and Galatians 1:6-12 to reinforce the Bible story.
Health:  This week we’re spending time reviewing for our Unit 1 Test.
Science:  Caleb spent time learning the three parts of an insect…head, thorax, and abdomen. 
English:  We discussed the parts of a book, the dictionary, and the library.
Vocabulary:  This week we’re finishing up vocabulary with two cumulative tests.  Caleb scored well on both of them; however, he does have room for improvement.  This was our last week of vocabulary until the New Year.
Social Studies:  This week reviewed the states we’ve been studying in Geography, and in social studies we are continuing to read about the Separatists.
Reading:  This week we read the following books:
The Day the Dinosaurs Died by Charlotte Lewis Brown
All About Frogs by Jim Arnosky
Math:  This week we’re working on subtraction “-9”.  I’m really enjoying how Math U See teaches these concepts and gives the students little “tricks” for learning.
We started Co-Op classes last week, and both boys were so excited.  As some of you may remember, this is a NEW Co-Op that was started by several of my home schooling friends and myself.  We have about 23 families this session, and we are so pleased with how things are going.  Micah is actually in the Nursery all day…I took him out of his preschool class on Thursdays because I couldn’t work out a drop-off/pick-up solution.  Caleb is taking three classes…Game Time, Fun with Math, and Arts ‘n Crafts Fun.  I’m sure I’ll share some of their “creations” as we continue over the next 5 weeks.
Thanks for following our journey, and we’d love to hear how your school year is going.


Mrs. M said...

The co-op sounds like a wonderful idea! Glad it is working out so well!!

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