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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Second Grade Week 12 in Review

Have I mentioned how great it feels when we’re all caught up with our schooling?  LOL!  Well, it feels FABULOUS!  I’m so glad that we’re staying on top of our schooling at this point in time.  I know that life will eventually throw us a curveball (or two), and we’ll be ready when it does.  Here’s how week 12 went for us:
Bible:  Our Bible story was on “God is Invisible.”  Our memory work was First Catechism Q&A #11.  We read I Kings 19:1-18 to discuss the Bible story.
Health:  This week we discussed teeth.  We began our discussion by reviewing the types of teeth and their jobs.  We also discussed why animals have the teeth they do.
Science:  This week Caleb learned all about the essential earthworm.  He learned how they help farmers, and all about their characteristics.
English:  This week we started a new chapter on verbs.  We discussed what verbs are, adding “s” or “es”, verbs in the past, and verbs now or past.  Caleb did a GREAT job with this concept, and I think he’s catching on quickly.
Vocabulary:  Our words for the next two weeks are:  cone, cube, earth, fern, fuel, grain, lizard, miner, present, and seam.  Caleb did several activities to learn the definition of these words.
Social Studies:  In Geography, we continued to review the states, continents, and oceans we’ve been studying.  In social studies, we discussed “My Country ‘Tis of Thee.”  I’m learning so much about these patriotic songs right along with Caleb, and it’s actually interesting.
Reading:  This week we read the following stories;
Amazing Whales! by Sarah L. Thompson
Cheetah Cubs by Ginjer L. Clarke
Math:  This week Caleb learned all about making “9” in addition.  He’s almost done with his math facts, and he’s doing a GREAT job.
***In Handwriting, we began learning cursive this week.  Let me just tell you…Caleb is so excited to learn how to write in cursive.  He’s also doing a wonderful job with it, too.  I hope his enthusiasm remains as the letters get a bit more difficult.***


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