On Saturday, we drove up to East Point to visit with Uncle Patrick, Aunt Darcy, and Harper. Omi and Opa had flown down as well. This was our first meeting with Harper. She’s the first girl in the family, so we were thrilled to be meeting her. She was born on 9/5/09 at 31.5 weeks gestation. On 11/8/09, she had her homecoming. She’s doing great, and we were so happy to be able to finally meet her. Both boys were sooo gentle with her, but Micah really surprised us with his gentleness.
We were able to go out for some pizza for lunch. Then, we came home and everyone decorated some cookies. After an afternoon of naps, fun, and games, we enjoyed some burgers and hot dogs. It was a great trip, and we all had a lot of fun. I’ll leave you with some pictures of our day! Enjoy!
Micah in the car…ready to go. If you look close enough, you’ll see his first busted lip. He and the tile floor in the kitchen had a fight on Friday night. The tile won!

Caleb drawing snakes with Aunt Darcy (she’s an art teacher).
Micah counting eggs. Uncle Patrick showed him how, and then he copied.

Micah loving on Harper before we left for pizza.
Micah with his eggs…he was occupied with these most of the day.
Aunt Darcy shows Caleb all the choices for decorating the cookies.

Uncle Patrick shows Caleb how to use the frosting.
Caleb starting his first cookie. I tell ya…the boy can’t do anything without sticking out his tongue. It must help with his concentration.

Micah getting in on the cookie decorating fun…but he much prefers just to eat the nonpareils.

Micah enjoying some frosting. I don’t think he took any bites of the cookies.

Caleb decorating his Gingerbread Man…note Brian taking a snooze. He caught up on some sleep while we all decorated cookies.

Uncle Patrick demonstrates his “concentration” look with his tongue out. I wonder if it’s a family trait…hmmm
A close-up of a snoozing Brian.

Harper looking up at Omi. Isn’t she just the cutest thing ever?
Caleb checking out Harper. It looks like he’s shaking her hand. LOL!

Micah loving on his new cousin. This is just the cutest picture to me!

Brian finally woke up and joined Patrick for some cookie decorating. They were getting all serious (well goofy really) at this point.

Omi joins in on the fun!

Brian getting everything “just right” with his cookie.
Aunt Darcy and Caleb playing a game of “Go Fish.”
Brian’s Gingerbread House. He was very detail oriented with this one.

Close-up of Brian’s house.

Sweet Harper. We are so happy there’s now a girl amongst the kiddos.

Looks like tons of family fun.
I love that your son has to stick out his tongue!! That is just too cute! Harper is such a pretty name for a girl...I might have to steal it if we end up having another girl. LOL!
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