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Sunday, August 6, 2017

What's Cooking Week of August 6th, 2017

So, we did okay with the menu last week.  Thursday's plans were the only ones that were thwarted.  They were not fulfilled because Brian was off, and we had a very late lunch, resulting in a last minute decision for Frozen Yogurt for supper (yeah, I know...healthy choice there mom).

Here's what's on the menu for this week...

Sunday -- Chicken Fajitas
Monday -- Meatloaf
Tuesday -- Homemade Pizzas
Wednesday -- Breakfast for Dinner (this is a repeat from last week, but it's an easy choice before church)
Thursday -- Lamb Chops (hoping plans don't get thwarted again since Brian is off)
Friday -- Hamburgers
Saturday -- Frikadellen or YOYO (not sure my plans for Saturday just yet)

What's on your menu this week?  Do you find a menu keeps you accountable?  How often do you rotate your menu?  I try to go as long as I can before repeating the main dish...it's a challenge I hold with myself.  LOL!


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