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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Third Grade Weeks 40-45 in Review

Caleb and I decided to go ahead and double up on some of our lessons in order to finish up 3rd grade.  By doing this, we’re now able to enjoy a 4 week break before starting 4th grade.  Smile  Here’s how the past 5 weeks (worth of lessons) went…
Bible – Our lessons were on “Where We Should Pray,”  “How We Should Pray,” and “What We May Ask For in Prayer.”  We read 1 Kings 8:22-24, 26-28; Psalm 95:1-6; and 2 Kings 19:14-19.
English – Caleb worked on rhyming words, polite words, poems, and completed his last PACE by taking a test.
Math – Caleb worked on adding tens and hundreds, measuring to one-fourth inch, solids, mental addition, more solids, mental subtraction, perimeter, and subtracting tens and hundreds. 
We are now officially DONE with 3rd grade.  It was a FABULOUS year, but we’re both super excited about our 4th grade adventures.  They will commence on June 4th…


Together We Save said...

I love that you list the Bible lessons first. It shows what is really important!!

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