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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Pinterest Anyone???

So, have you joined the latest addiction…aka Pinterest?  I’ll admit, I’m late to the party.  However, I’m now hooked.  There’s such a wealth of information on that site, and I could spend hours just looking, pinning, and dreaming. 
I have put my Pinterest time to use though…I’ve made and tweaked three recipes so far.  I’ve also used my non-crafting ability to tackle a few Christmas ornaments and the yarn felt wreath (this has been on my to-do list since it made it’s debut in the blogosphere months ago). 
You can find me on Pinterest under mom2calebnmicah
Here are my Pinterest attempts:

Crockpot BBQ Chickenbbq chicken
Parmesan Ranch ChickenParmesan Ranch Chicken
KISS PiesIMG_8092
Yarn Wreath with Felt FlowersIMG_8138
Ribbon Tree OrnamentIMG_8090
Ribbon Tree OrnamentIMG_8086
So, do you Pinterest?  If so, send me your name, and I’ll follow you!  Smile  I love seeing new ideas.


Jeanette said...

Well...I must be even later to the game! I have not yet perused Pinterest. I am afraid I will get sucked in and have to fight my way back out of it. That BBQ chicken looks wonderful, by the way.

Mrs. M said...

I am on there but don't really do too much with it. Looks like you found some fun stuff! :)

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